Friday, April 18, 2008

Wow..Time Does Fly...

Here is the latest photo of Darren and I. This was taken at Lake Ming also. We asked Mo'unga to take it. Pretty good job I'd say. Watch out Linda Hamilton. It is just amazing to look how much we've changed (aged). Darren's head is pretty much grey. I'm trying to work with my under eye wrinkles. Just to think 14 years ago this all started for us. We met 14 years ago in August and that day has brought us to where we are now. We've been through a lot of stuff together. Marriage is definately a learning process. The idea of bringing two strangers together along with their backround, cultures, history, faults, perfections, hang-ups and what not. Then we try to somehow work it all together to form a "new family" with traditions etc... and accept your spouse as the #1 person in your life. It is amazing how all that works. Darren won my heart at "first sight". I hope we can get past the flaws and continue making great history for our kids and future family members.

1 comment:

Lani said...

I have to say, you do make a cute couple! I'm very impressed with Mo's picture taking capability-I'd trust him with the camera more often!